Anyone new to this blog might want to know what its about. Seems like a fair request. So what is this blog about? Fitness, lifestyle changes, and the quest for healthy comfort food.
How did this start? Well, in January of 2014, as most Americans, I made the resolution to get healthy and change my life. Unlike most Americans, I fully intended to keep it for the rest of my life. This wasn't just some vague resolution of "get healthy" or "lose weight". Nope, this is the change I'm making for the rest of my life.
With that in mind, I began to research. The more I learned, the more excited I became. I wanted to tell everyone all that I had learned!.. But no one was interested. Then the more I acted on my new knowledge, the more changes I began to see in my body, and again I wanted to tell everyone!.. But my goodness there are some things nobody who isn't changing their life wants to hear. For those of us going through a change to a healthy lifestyle, every small, albeit often gross, change is exciting. It should be reveled in, and celebrated, but not everyone wants to hear it.
Ditch the Excuses is where that all comes together. I will be sharing useful apps, books, recipes, workout plans, transformation photos and personal goals and accomplishments. Hopefully readers will stay motivated, share their experiences and their own suggestions.
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