Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Measurement Monday: April 28th, 2014

I realize it isn't actually Monday, but the measurements were taken Monday. That's the same thing, right?

Anyway, measurement Monday is going to hopefully become a weekly post. I believe measurements are every bit as important as webeight - more so when your are trying to lose weight. When we say we want to lose weight or drop a few pounds, what we really mean is a size. We want to fit back into our jeans or wear a smaller dress size. We don't want to lose weight if it doesn't affect our physical size. Ever seen this picture?

This is why I both weigh AND measure myself. Now, I try to only measure myself once a week, and I try to be thorough (measurements in inches):
Abdomen: 43.5
Waist: 34.5
Bust: 42.5
Chest: 37.5
Hip: 46.25
Left Arm: 14.25
Left Forearm: 10.75
Left Calf: 16.5
Left Thigh: 28.25
Right Arm: 14.25
Right Forearm: 11
Right Calf: 16.5
Right Thigh: 28
Shoulders: 45.5
Neck: 15
Current Weight: 196 pounds

Proof that I know the weight loss struggle. I'm not just a few pounds overweight. I'm only 5'3". I'm 50-60 pounds over weight. I realize that to some people it may not seem like much, afterall, many Americans are easily 100+ pounds overweight, but this isn't a competition. This is only a way to commiserate. This isn't a lonely struggle, and this isn't a fitness model lecturing average and overweight individuals. This is me working on myself public ally, hopefully as an inspiration- plus as the About section says, this lifestyle change is something I'm passionate about and I want to share my enthusiasm!

Next Monday I will be posting the difference in measurements. Due to a hernia, I'm currently not able to exercise, so my goal is to simply lose 2 total inches. I know it isn't a big goal, but it feels like a good goal for a week. It'd be great to drop a pound as well, but I won't hold my breath.

If you're like me, the temptation to measure more frequently may be overwhelming. I only measure my waist and abdomen in between Mondays, but I never record it, and I try my best to not let it get me down.

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