Saturday, November 1, 2014

November Challenge

I'm part of a November Challenge with a 5 Bites group on Facebook. The main goal is to lose 25 pounds in November. While that would be amazing (I'd weigh less than I did when I graduated high school almost 4 years ago), there's something about losing that much weight in a month that my mind says isn't healthy. Perhaps it's the years of "slow and steady weight loss is longer lasting" stuck in my head, I realize that that isn't true, and there's a ton of research to back it up, but I'm still leary. Plus, Thanksgiving and my birthday happen in November. I love food, obviously, and want to be able to enjoy family events.

I drank yesterday, so my weight went up this morning. I was at 198 when I weighed in, though I know if it weren't for the booze I'd likely be at 194. Taking in to account the bloating from the alcohol, I'm going to commit to this challenge. I want to weigh 173 by December 1st. Along with my weekly weigh ins, I'll be posting how much more weight I have to lose.

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