Thursday, May 29, 2014

My Confession

I don't want to be fat anymore. I'm just freaking tired of it.

I'm so fed up with it. In light of the above image, I've made a decision to do an egg fast. What is an egg fast? Basically you eat eggs. Lots of eggs. I'm following a plan I found on Facebook, so I'm not able to provide the link, sorry guys.

The Rules:
1. Must eat at least six eggs per day.
2. Must eat every three to five hours (even if it's just one egg)
3. Must eat within 30 minutes of waking.
4. Must have 1 tbl of butter per egg.
5. Up to 4oz of cheese is allowed per egg
6. Drink lots of water
7. Quit eating 3 hours before bed

Now, those rules were written by and for a 289 pound man. I'm not that big. I have modified my rules in that I do not need to eat an egg within 30 minutes of waking. I do want to have either BPC or eggs within 30 minutes of waking. Instead of one tablespoon of butter per egg, I will be cooking the eggs in butter, but if it isn't a full tablespoon, I'm not gonna stress because of the extra fat in my BPC. I'm also going to allow cream cheese and mayo (for the extra fat) and any low carb condiments (such as mustard for egg salad). I will also set a minimum of 5 eggs (though I doubt that that will be an issue). I also will be able to eat as late as I want. My fiancé doesn't get home until 8:30 and I really enjoyeating dinner with him.

I know this all sounds crazy. I know I said that I'm losing weight and getting healthy for the rest of my life, and I obviously won't be eating eggs for the next 80 years. I don't care.

Timeline? Until I fit into a freaking size 14 comfortably. Or until I get down to 180 pounds, which is where I was last time I thought I was fat. Or until I hate eggs.

Update: I found the website that the facebook post I saw referenced: Check it out

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