Friday, May 9, 2014

Maybe I'll Become a Yogi?

In my last post, I mentioned that in lieu of running I was going to be taking up yoga instead. I originally thought it was going to be a pretty easy workout compared to heavy lifting.
I was so wrong.
Yesterday I did some research and decided to run through this beginners workout:

I held each pose for five deep breaths and ran through it twice. It wasn't too taxing, but I could tell how limited my core strength is (due in part to an injury that I'm recovering from), and how inflexible I am. It's pathetic. I have never been able to touch my toes.
Today I found a very informative article from PopSugar claiming that their yoga sequence that would get me my "best bikini body". While I don't believe that doing just that yoga sequence would get me a "bikini body", it seemed rigorous enough. I was two poses in when I realized I needed to stick with beginner poses.
I decides this sequence might be more my speed:

I've realized that not only can I not touch my toes, my down dog looks more like the London Bridge. New goal for this month: master down dog. How hard can it be?

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